We are excited that your church is interested in participating in Flower City Work Camp.  Over 70 churches have participated in our ministry at one time or another, and many have been involved every year since 1986!  We will do our best to share what you need to know to help make your experience be a positive one.

What Is FCWC In A Nutshell?

Flower City Work Camp is a comprehensive Work Camp experience that your church can plug right into.  We provide the facilities, food service, programming, discipleship content, service projects, supervision and insurance coverage for your group across a 5-day camp program.  All adults serving in the ministry are background checked and trained in our Youth Protection Program.  We will ask for your help and participation with bringing adult volunteers to help serve along with the youth, as well as assistance with lunch meals for our teams out serving in the community.


Where Can I Learn More About FCWC?

The best resource for learning about all things Flower City Work Camp is our main website found here.


Why Should Our Church Participate?

There are a lot of great reasons why churches should participate in Work Camp:


Discipleship – We believe strongly that service is an important component to building discipleship.  As churches seek to disciple their youth, Work Camp provides the setting, content and reinforcement of the discipleship work you are already doing.  As you watch your students focus less on themselves and more on the needs and concerns of others, the growth that follows will astound you.  We will reinforce their experience with training on how to evangelize, pray for others and study the Word on their own and in a group setting.


Community Focus – Most people don’t realize that they can find extreme poverty, brokenness and deep need within 5 miles of where they live.  Sure, going far away for a mission trip helps those on the other end of your travels.  But, there is also something special about making a difference here in our own community.  Not only will we see our own community transformed, but the relationships that are created can continue and be grown over time as well.


Affordable – Unlike overseas mission trips that can cost each participant upwards of $3,000, or an out-of-state trip that can cost $750 or more, the cost for each student to participate in Work Camp is under $200!


Involve The Whole Church – When you serve locally you are able to leverage the whole of your congregation, not just the youth who are traveling.  This means that adults up and down the age spectrum can get involved in volunteer roles at Work Camp and contribute to the program at the same time they are blessed through their service.


That The City Might See Jesus! – It is our mission, and it is what we pray for each year.  That through our service the city of Rochester and beyond would see, come to know and trust in Jesus.  That is the whole reason why we do what we do.


Where Can We Get Help?

Navigating participation in Work Camp can be a little overwhelming for a new church.  To help you along the way, we have a dedicated Church Communications Coordinator who will share all the information you need, answer your questions and set you up for success so that your Work Camp experience is worthwhile and enjoyable.

This website will serve as a great resource along the way.  We hold monthly meetings to make sure you know what needs to get done at each stage of the planning process.  You’ll also find that other church reps will be eager to help answer your questions, too.  It can feel like a lot when you commit to participate in Work Camp, but we make the process fairly easy (and sometimes fun).  The work up front is always worth the result in the end!

You can contact the Church Communications Coordinator here:

Kirsten Borkowski
(585) XXX-XXXX